
Garage and Family Car

  • When travelling, always keep your baby securely strapped into a baby car seat.
  • If you have to leave the car, take the baby with you instead of leaving them alone even for a short period of time.
  • In general, keep the baby away from the garage, especially those with tools and machinery that could be dangerous.
  • Keep garage door openers well out of reach of young children.
  • Toxic substances including pesticides and other chemicals should be either locked or placed on high shelves.


  • Girl Tasting Green Tempura PaintUse a stable high chair with a well-fitting seat belt when feeding babies or young children at the table.
  • Use your wrist to check the temperature of formula or other warm drinks that are given to children.
  • Remove any sharp or pointy objects, such as forks, knifes or chopsticks.
  • Keep breakable items and toxic cleaning supplies locked or out of reach.
  • Store plastic bags safely and don�۪t allow babies or children to play with them.

Bedroom and Nursery

  • When cleaning a baby on the changing table, never leave them unattended.
  • Keep hanging mobiles and small toys well out of reach.
  • Avoid suffocation risks by keeping pillows and soft toys out of the crib.
  • Blankets, sheets, and other bedding, as well as clothes should be flame resistant.
  • Don�۪t leave food or medication within reach of the baby, especially when they are unattended.


  • Always stay with your child while they are in the bathtub, or at least have a trusted family member to supervise bath time.
  • Touch the water and make sure the temperature is suitable for your child before immersing them.
  • Use a children�۪s toilet seat on top of the toilet and keep the lid closed at other times.
  • Keep medicines as well as soaps and shampoos in high or childproof cabinets.
  • Install rubber bath mats or adhesive grip panels on the bathtub floor so that children don�۪t accidentally slip or fall.
Newborn Baby infant Kissing Parents Hand

Around the Entire House

Baby Chewing on Electrical Cord
  • Install window guards on all windows, even in rooms that the child might not enter.
  • The mesh netting around the play area should be fine enough so that babies would not be able to poke their fingers or wrists through it.
  • Use grip material or tape to secure rugs to the floor and prevent slipping.
  • Install safety gates near staircases and the kitchen to prevent kids from wandering or falling.
  • Maintain clean air quality by eliminating smoke, mold and other air-borne substances.
  • Prevent kids from eating plants or soil by keeping houseplants on high ledges or outdoors.
  • Any spills should be cleaned and dried right away.
  • When the baby is playing with other infants or animals, make sure that an adult is always supervising.
  • Any flammable materials, including lighter fluid and matches should be kept locked in a safe place.
  • Use safety covers to seal off electrical outlets from small children.
  • Monitor any deteriorating paint on walls and repair or repaint it when necessary. Paint chips and debris should be cleaned off the floor immediately.
  • Equip the house with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in all main areas.
  • Bookshelves, as well as other types of cabinetry should be properly secured, without small or breakable objects on the lower levels.
  • Cover heaters and fireplaces with ventilated guards to avoid accidental burns.
  • All furniture and cabinets should have rounded covers on the corners.

Further Reading

Cabinet Doors with Childproof Lock
  • Preventing Accidents at Home ��� Learn how common items can cause harm to children and infants, and use a series of safety checklists to cover the entire house.
  • How to Childproof a Home ��� From toys to magnets and water temperature, this guide covers the finer points of childproofing indoors.
  • Simple Childproofing Tips ��� Review the basics of eliminating dangers to young children around the home.
  • Dangerous Home Hazards ��� Find out how to safeguard kids from falls, water hazards, poison, fire, choking, pets and night-time risks.
  • Age-Specific Safety Pointers ��� Choose the age of your child and review the home safety tips that are appropriate for them.
  • Helpful Home Precautions ��� Help kids to understand their role in avoiding physical risks at home by using designated stickers to mark dangerous products.
  • Maintaining a Safe Nursery ��� From the paint on the walls to carpeting and cribs, learn how to recognize and eliminate hidden risks to babies.
  • Childproofing a Crib ��� Read an in-depth guide on choosing a baby-friendly crib, including information on slats, mattress, wood and posts.
  • Bathroom Safety Tips ��� Anti-skid rugs, anti-scalding fittings on showers and taps and locked cabinets are some ideas of ensuring a safe bathroom for infants.
  • Safety Devices ��� Find out about some of the most useful and popular safety devices to help ensure your child�۪s safety at home.


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