Custom Accent Pillows
Nothing creates the room better than a set of decorative pillows. Sofas and Sectionals features four pillow sizes in over 86 different decorative fabrics. Create an extra soft pillow by selecting the down blend pillow option. Add the pillow welt option to add just that extra decorating touch. Pillows ship in approximately 2 to 4 weeks.
Pillow Sizes 19" x 19" Arm Pillow, 22" x 22" Square Pillow, 12" x 21" Kidney Pillow, 15" x 25" Kidney Pillow
Pillow Cushion Option Standard Pillow Cushion or Down Blend Pillow Cushion
Pillow Welting. No Welt or Standard Welt
Contrasting welting is available. Call Sofas and Sectionals at 877-702-0555
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